How do I make an appointment?
You can make an appointment by contacting our administrative staff on 02 9747 2688. Please ensure you have a referral from your GP or specialist if you wish to claim a rebate from Medicare.
What days are you open?
We are open Monday to Friday during business hours. Please contact us on 02 9747 2688 for more details.
Do I need a referral?
A referral is essential for Medicare rebate but not for a consultation.
What should I bring to my neurological consultation?
You should bring information on your medical history, a list of medications you are taking, and any related investigations/tests like MRI. You will also need your Medicare/Veteran affairs/Pensioners card and doctors referral if you wish to claim some or most of the costs back.
If you have reports that need to be filled out, please ensure you bring them on the day: completion of NDIS, Service NSW (Driving), Insurance reports etc incurs a non-rebatable fee of $50 if requested to be filled without an appointment (provided you have been seen in consultation in the previous 6 months).
Will I see the neurologist on the day of my test?
A request for a test is different from a consultation. Like any other diagnostic testing (e.g. MRI and other scans) you are referred just for the test and your referring doctor will then interpret the results and discuss further management or actions.
How do I prepare for my test?
Please refer to the test section (Neurophysiology) for information on the specific test and preparation.
How long do the results take?
The results take 5 working days, so please arrange to see your referring doctor accordingly.
How can I request the results?
Your results are sent to your requesting doctor and a copy should be obtained from the requesting doctor.
How long should I take out for a test or consultation?
We recommend an hour at least. Most tests take 45 minutes and a new consultation can take up to 30 minutes and at times you may have standard waiting time as per most specialist practice, which unfortunately we can not predict.
Do you see walk in patients?
No. You will need to make an appointment.
What if I have to cancel or reschedule an appointment?
If you need to cancel or reschedule appointment we require 24hours notice at least as the cancelled slot can then be filled by patients who are waiting for an earlier appointment. Appointments cancelled within 24 hours of the appointment will incur a cancellation fee of $100.
What payment methods do you have or what about discounts or Medicare Easyclaim?
We provide Medicare Easyclaim. Discount is given to pensioners and Veteran affairs are bulk billed. We take Eftpos and cash.
Can I speak to the doctor over the phone?
The doctor has a pre-planned busy schedule. You are welcome to ring and speak to our receptionist and leave a message and either the staff or doctor, depending on the circumstance, will get back to you.
What if I have an urgent enquiry?
As we provide a neurological consultation service our Doctors are not able to provide emergency or primary care. Please see your GP or present to the emergency department in the event of an acute care problem for initial assessment and care.
Can I request prescription or refill over the phone?
Please ensure you ask your Neurologist for a script if required. Additional scripts requested without an appointment will incur a non-rebatable fee of $20 as long as you have been seen in consultation in the past 12 months and your Dr has previously prescribed the medication.
Where can I park?
There is street parking in front of the building and on surrounding streets, and a car park under the building with Lift access, entry via George street.
Do I need a mask?
We follow the current standards employed by NSW Health. This currently includes wearing a mask in all consultations and tests. Masks are available for purchase for $2 per mask